
Mostrando entradas de mayo 18, 2020

Actividades de Inglés

Hello! How are you today? Hope you are all well and safe at home. We are starting a new unit. Unit 2: Jobs Estamos comenzando una nueva unidad sobre ocupaciones. 1. Listen to the dialogue several times. "A smoky escape for Tinders" Escuchamos el diálogo varias veces. https://elt.oup.com/student/newtreetops/level5/stories/unit2?cc=ar&selLanguage=en 2. Listening comprehension activity. Answer the questions. Escuchamos el diálogo nuevamente y respondemos las preguntas. a) Where are Bertie, Tom and Rachel? b) Are there animals in the camp? c) Is there a chef in the kitchen camp? d) What does the chef do? 3. Complete the sentences using the words below: Completar las oraciones con las palabras dadas. DRAGON - TENT - CAMP - COOKS - ANIMALS - HELPS - VET a) Show me the ....... b) Here are the ........ c)He is a .......... He ............ the horses. d) Where is the kitchen ........ ? e) She .......... the food. f) Tinders, you are a real .........

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